Monday, August 24, 2020


    There is this pandemic. Then there are fires near where some family members live. Then there are these two hurricanes in the Gulf. Then my mother is recovering from a broken hip and surgery for it, and my siblings and I are taking turns being with her so she is not alone. She would like to not need the help, but it cannot be avoided right now. The Virus complicates all decisions regarding having people come in to her home. Nurses and therapy are essential, but if we can avoid bringing in any more outside help, we will. 

    I am balancing decisions to visit Mom with the caregiving I am doing in my own home, trying not  to ask too much of my husband, who has been super supportive, but is working from home full-time too. At least I do not have young children to help with online school. But I have a daughter who may be teaching in person in two weeks and I will be worried for her every day. And we won't be able to see her in person until post-vaccination, whenever that will be. And I have a daughter who requires looking after here at home.